VI converter project » History » Version 3

Version 2 (Txinto Vaz, 12/19/2013 06:01 AM) → Version 3/4 (Txinto Vaz, 12/19/2013 06:02 AM)

h1. VI converter project

Here you can find:

* Last version of uCANca VI converter.
* An input example for the converter.
* The resulting output project file.

h2. Some screenshots

The first is a draft of the idea. It is not using the actual XML input format, but uses a very readable one, so the conversion can be easily understood:


This is an screenshot of the software of that draft.


And this is a screenshot of the result.


This is the result of using the VI converter in the Electric Car demo (now using the actual XML file format). Current version does not perform an elegand "cosmetic" layout for generated controls (step by step) but as we can see dozens of controls have been created in less than a second.
