Hex2bin argumentos

hex2bin v1.0.10, Copyright (C) 2012 Jacques Pelletier & contributors

usage: hex2bin [OPTIONS] filename

  -s [address]  Starting address in hex (default: 0)
  -l [length]   Maximal Length (Starting address + Length -1 is Max Address)
                File will be filled with Pattern until Max Address is reached
                Length must be a power of 2 in hexadecimal:
                     Hex      Decimal
                    1000   =    4096   (4ki)
                    2000   =    8192   (8ki)
                    4000   =   16384  (16ki)
                    8000   =   32768  (32ki)
                   10000   =   65536  (64ki)
                   20000   =  131072 (128ki)
                   40000   =  262144 (256ki)
                   80000   =  524288 (512ki)
                  100000   = 1048576   (1Mi)
                  200000   = 2097152   (2Mi)
                  400000   = 4194304   (4Mi)
                  800000   = 8388608   (8Mi)
  -e [ext]      Output filename extension (without the dot)
  -c            Enable hex file checksum verification
  -p [value]    Pad-byte value in hex (default: ff)

  -k [0|1|2]    Select checksum type
                       0 = 8-bit,
                       1 = 16-bit little endian,
                       2 = 16-bit big endian
  -r [start] [end]     Range to compute checksum over (default is min and max addresses)
  -f [address] [value] Address and value of checksum to force